Free Piano Training Video #3

Free Piano Lesson Video #3: Understanding Sharps and Flats

Continuing on from Video 2, this video shows:

1) Easy way to understand what sharps and flat are. Example: The notes C# (C-sharp) and Db (D-flat) are the same note. (It’s the black note between C and D)

2) Why, for the purposes of how I’ll be continuing to show you how to play piano it really doesn’t matter much anyway!

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| Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 2b | Video 3 | Video 4 | Video 5 | Video 6 | Video 7 | Video 8 | Video 9 | Video 10 |

31 thoughts on “Free Piano Training Video #3”

  1. Please sir, I am still very confused but by the way👍 for the last two videos. How do we identify sharps and flats with their keys like in the video DGBAE and CDFGA where all on the black notes, how are we going to know which one is a flat and which a sharp

    1. In a Major/minor scale you can’t have the same note twice, meaning you can’t have a G and also a Gb, so if the scale has a G note in it, you could tell the black note to it’s left is F#.

      In other words, a D-Major scale is:
      D E F# G A B C# D
      There IS no F or C, only F# and C#. However there IS a G and D, so the black notes can’t be Gb and Db because those notes are already used in the scale.

  2. Ahm there’s this thing that confused me, I don’t know if it’s important but I really want to know. So when you changed Dm (D-F-A) to D Major, you have to sharp the 3rd note which is F and became like this (D-F#-A) but then you call it as D# in which I think it’s because the first note is D? But then when you turned C Major (C-E-G) into Cm, you did flat the 3rd note which is E and became like this (C-Eb-G) but you called it E Flat and not the 1st note like in sharp? Can it also be called C Flat since the 1st note is C? or no? Are they different?

    Thank you so much! You are amazing!

    1. Changing Dm (D-F-A) to D Major by sharping the 3rd note F to F#, by sharping the 3rd note it becomes D-Major instead of D-minor. Did I accidentally call the F# note “D#”? If so I misspoke. I’m in an airport so I’m not able to watch it right now. If you think I made a mistake by saying something wrong let me know.

      Your second question, taking C Major (C-E-G) and making it minor by flatting the 3rd (E) to Eb, the flatted note is called Eb, the chord is called C-minor.

    1. There are currently 60+ piano training Modules on different topics (and more added all the time), some focus on moving between chords with the least amount of movement and effort, which will help make your playing more “fluid” and faster, as well as exercises to get used to having your left/right hands do different things at the same time. You can try out a membership to see if it’s a good fit for you.

    1. Yeah? I’ll take your word for it and it doesn’t surprise me, heh, I’m at an airport lounge without headphones but I can see the video of me playing a D-Major chord D-F#-A, so it’s a D chord with an F# in the 3rd, and I’ve caught myself multiple times reviewing videos where I’m playing one chord/note while saying (incorrectly) that I’m playing something else. For the record, it’s NOT because I don’t know what I’m playing, I’ve just got a lot going on while recording video of me playing while talking about what I’m playing and thinking ahead of what I’m going to say next. 🙂

      Thanks for catching that.

  3. I’m so grateful for the lessons. I shall continue learning from you as I have your address. Thanks brother. From Zambia.

  4. Thank you bro! I’m 20 years old here in the Philippines, playing a piano at the church. I’m not good enough in playing, I’m playing only a chords. I hope you will help me by posting more video tutorial. help me how to know the keys. ex. key of C!. thank you and God bless!…

  5. I’m so glad i came up with this site. Thank you so much InstantPianoGenius. I really want to learn how to play piano, but no money to pay for piano classes. With this videos to watch repeatedly, i can now learn how to play piano that simple and that practical with nothing to worry about notes and chords. Also, this is a stepping stone for me, to learn piano and be a part of the music ministry of our church. God bless! 😀

  6. This is the best tutorials videos I have seen, I am new to keyboad I have neva been able to play a single chord. but after watching these videos I now know where to start from. Thank you very much

  7. I have long desired to learn the keyboard and have always thought that it will be very difficult. But I was wrong !!! With these simple step I could now start playing the chords …. thank you so much !!!


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