Free Piano Lessons Video #7

Basic Song Chord Structure:

This video explains:

1) Basic Song Chord Structure.
2) How to play song chords based on numbers.

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| Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 | Video 4 | Video 5 | Video 6 | Video 7 | Video 8 | Video 9 | Video 10 |

20 thoughts on “Free Piano Lessons Video #7”

  1. Mr. Tims, I am super excited to have found you.
    My Dad bought me a Yamaha PSR-280 when I was 7 years old and after 28 years I couldn’t learn it but here I am doing wonders.
    All thanks to Mr. Tims, you’re a genius indeed.
    much love from Nigeria !!

    1. This video isn’t focusing on the timing of the chord progression, but the G chord is played twice as long as the other two chords, meaning if you played “C” for a 1, 2 count, then “F” for the 3, 4 count, you’d then play “G” for a full “1, 2, 3, 4”. hope that helps. There’s lots more video training on timing and playing to simple charts when you try out being a member, by the way. Try it out, see what you think. 🙂

  2. This is great , i have been trying to learn from You Tube since past 6 month , i learned more in your 6 videos then i learned in all those six month. Thank you so much.
    Love from India:)

    1. I don’t have an exhaustive list in front of me, but: Johnny B. Goode, Ring of Fire, Brown Eyed Girl, Margaritaville, Hound Dog, Great Balls of Fire, All Shook Up, La Bamba, Hold My Hand, The Joker, The First Cut Is The Deepest, Oh Donna, Free Fallin’, Wipe Out, Hang On Sloopy, Guantanamera, Stir It Up

  3. Thank for the love you have for music. Sometimes if it wasn’t for people like you that share freely, people like me probably would never have a chance. May God continue to bless your hands and the gift He has given you.

  4. OMGosh! You just answered questions I have had since I was a teenager! I knew there was something g to the patterns but I could not get passed the hurdles in my mind due to traditional childhood lessons and when I asked accomplished pianists they didn’t seem to understand what I was asking! Now I’m not sure if they truly didn’t know because they strictly read music and play the notes so literally they never learned the patterns or if our communication was just disjointed! You are a great teacher and so awesome of you to share this with anyone who wishes to learn! I inherited my grandmothers concert upright and have been sad I couldn’t play beyond my childhood lessons. Now I can! I can’t wait to learn more from you! The next thing I hope to understand is if someone drops sheet music in front of me, how do I play it according to your style, if that’s even possible. Pretty sure I know how to know the key a piece is in though but need a refresher course and I hope you provide that info as well! I will download the rest once I’m on my PC and am so excited to do so! Thanks SO much!

  5. Hey man, I’m about to start playing piano (keyboard) Ordering my Yamaha NP V80 online tomorrow… after looking at reviews on youtube when i found your 2 lessons.. Thank yo so much .. It makes so much sense the way you explain it…

    Greetings from the Netherlands…

  6. great videos! simplified and very practical piano lessons for beginners like me. thanks u very much for sharing. im very excited to share this to my sister =)

  7. I can say that i found all the answers of my 4 years old questions thanks a lot for this value able information, i feel like i have learned all just need a practice now

  8. Wow!!!!! This is of great value. I’m a musician for number of years and have always struggled with the keyboard. Play various other instruments. Best learning aid ever. Rock on bru…..!


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