Video #8: Simple Ways To Dress Up Chords
Continuing from video 7, this video shows:
1) Simple ways to make the chords you’re playing sound more interesting.
2) How to arpeggiate chords, and how to find and the the 2 and 4 notes as alternates to the 3 note.

| Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 | Video 4 | Video 5 | Video 6 | Video 7 | Video 8 | Video 9 | Video 10 |
*I meant the 5 note on the previous comment. (Can you play a Csus4 chord without the 5 note?)
You don’t have to play the 5 note of a sus4 chord or any other chord, you can just decide what you think sounds better. You can also play the 5 note below the 1 note (which is called an “inversion”, which gets beyond what this video is about), so instead of playing Csus4 as C-F-G, you could put the 5(G) on the bottom and play G-C-F if you liked how that sounded better.
Hi, now when you played the Csus4 chord, you also used the 5 chord. Can you play a Csus4 chord without the 5 chord? thanks
You can make any chord a “sus4” chord by replacing the 3 note with the 4 note.
It is funny how I can hear all kinds of songs in this short video, that use these chord progressions
Yeah, tons of songs use similar chord progressions, that’s for sure. 🙂
your lesson is very cool! even though I’m planning to start playing piano
Ur a fuckin badass Tim. Love these vids
Aw, shucks. 🙂
That C chord was sus
Are there any other lessons cause I’ve enjoyed all the lessons
There are hundreds of more videos in the members area where I interact with members/students and answer their questions, give guidance, etc. Try it out and see if it’s a good fit for you, glad you like what you’ve seen so far. 🙂
Is there anyway of saving these videos on my device?
They’re not made to be downloadable because they stream at different quality based on people’s internet connection, but you can always come back to watch them any time you want.
Very good lesson refresher chorus Thanks Teach,
Thanks for the lessons they were great
This was awesome I loved it
thanku very much sir
I know you need chords to play the keyboard. What else do you need.
This tutorial is very useful. I easily learn the basics of a piano in just 2 days, and continually practice the dressings of the chords.
Also, I find the numbering system very easy to understand than other lessons that are using notes blabla. THANK YOU SO MUCH SIR!
You are the best Teacher i have ever seen in this field. maybe there are other ones i dont know of but what your style of teaching is simply the best for me am more than grateful. God bless you for teaching us the way to do it. We are proud of you here in Ghana West africa. i am a Pastor and i love music so i have been looking for someone like you and finally i have found you.
You’re a great teacher in this field! I’m so thankful I came across your tutorial lessons which are very useful and easy to follow. I know a little chords on keyboard but I don’t know how to play with left hand to make my playing more interesting. My know-how in guitar playing helps me a lot to easily understand your lessons. Hoping to learn more from you. God bless.
A great help, thanks!
Hi, I read a couple of the more traditional introductory lessons 1st which start with sheet music theory. With your approach I can see a great deal of scope for self expression whilst getting hands on straight away. I wonder where the music theory kicks in.
thanks,its very easy to learn. I want to continue the lessons for more better understanding
So easy
Thank u so much fr following up piano Core lessons or instructzns it helps a lot fr me to understand. I only started playing fr abt 6 months now & progressed very quickly to intermed8 level. Your additznal piano core lessons helps me & will continually help me to understand more & quicker fr new techniques to better my knowledge & piano skills. As a member, apprec8 a lot fr sending me these videos to watch & learn more than what I’ve learnt b4 to benefit myself to become a successful pianist in the future one day – that’s my dream & goal to achieve.
Best regards..!
This is really genius! Thanks for imparting your knowledge. thanks for not being selfish. 😀
this has been realy usefull or my church an i have 13 years old an you teech realy good